
Responder Impact is dedicated to serving our First Responders, but we cannot do that without your help. We need your commitment and donations to help us change the lives of our heroes.

As a commissioned member of the non-profit missional order Global Service Associates (GSA), every donation made in support of our work is tax-deductible and is securely processed through GSA. There are two ways to give:


Donate Online
Make a one-time or recurring donation from your credit card or bank account via GSA’s secure online service. Be sure to to type Responder Impact in to the text box beside your donation amount.  You should receive a receipt by email shortly after you submit your donation

 Donate Now!


Mail a Check
Send a check made out to “Global Service Associates” to: Global Service Associates, P.O. Box 20425, Boulder, CO 80308. Please remember to write ‘Responder Impact’ on the memo line. You should receive a receipt via mail when your donation is received.



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